28./29. May 2015 at the bcc Berlin

Conference „Work in the digital world“

On the 28. And 29. May 2015 researchers and practitioners from all over Germany met at the BMBF conference “Work in the digital world”. The conference was opened by Frau Prof. Johanna Wanka, the federal government minister for research and education, "The challenges are many: it is about social and technological innovation, the establishment of a safe and healthy work environment under the conditions of the digital world to foster global competitiveness as well as economic and resource efficiency."

At the meeting, the latest issue of the journal was præview was presented. It contains the initial results from the BMBF funding priority "Vocational Competency Management and Demographic Change".

from left: Claudio Zettel (DLR), Silke Steinberg (FIAP), Pia Rauball (gaus) 

from left: Rüdiger Klatt (FIAP), Gudrun Aulerich (DLR), Gerd Ernst

from left: Pia Rauball (gaus), Rüdiger Klatt (FIAP), Ursula Bach (DLR)

from left: Pia Rauball (gaus), Manfred Bornewasser (Universität Greifswald), Silke Steinberg (FIAP), Gaby Kossack (DLR), Ilona Kopp (DLR) 

Further information can be found at:
