
At the beginning of the 21st century the working environment is faced with some major challenges. A globalised working world which is marked by flexibility, autonomy, and an international network is resulting in new challenges of socially and economically sustainability, preventive forms of work and employment for enterprises and employees. 

At the same time working environments have to cope with demographic change; they have to permit new forms of work-life balance and to offer answers to the problems of unequal prospects and social discrimination in a Europe that is growing together more and more.
The non-profit making research institute for innovative and preventive job design (FIAP e.V.)  intends to make a contribution towards some possible answers to these problems through its design-oriented research for a socially and economically sustainable, preventive form of work and employment. Job design today has to manage the challenges of increased flexibility, autonomy and networking of modern work in a clear-sighted and preventive way and  has to promote the capacity for innovation and the health of employees and enterprises as well as increasingly of freelancers and self-employed people.