18./19.02.2015: Prague 

International Closing Conference FitForFlexi Prague 

FIAP has been involved with the international workgroup, which was established by the Czech project FitForFlexi, since 2012. The other project partners are: Channel Crossings (CZ), Spiralis (CZ), Fiap e.V. (DE), Vargarda Kommun (SE), Muster-in (PL). The annual business meetings and conferences have been used to share experiences and knowledge in relation to flexible working and new careers. The results from the projects Flexi balance and Debbi could also be made available for neighbouring European countries here.

At this year's final conference Marie Jegu, Silke Steinberg and Romina Wendt presented developments in Germany and project works carried out by FIAP. In addition to the major international final conference, an internal working meeting of the international partners took place, and arrangements were made for the further future cooperation.

A film produced in the Czech Republic provides information on the key areas of cooperation. It is available for download here.


The daily programme - 18./19.02,2015-02-2



18th – 19th February 2015

Meeting hosted by Channel Crossings s.r.o., Meteor Centre Office Park budova C, Sokolovská 100/94, Praha 8
Participating organisations: Channel Crossings (CZ), Spiralis (CZ), FIAP e.V (DE), Vargarda kommun (SE), Muster-in (PL)


Presentation from Prag download (807k)  

Link to Project FIT FOR FLEXI - from our technical partners - Channel Crossings (Prague): www.fitforflexi.cz

Pictures from the conference: