27.02.2015, Münster

Podium discussion: „Development of Electric in Münsterland“

On the 27.02.2025 the podium discussion, „Development of electric mobility in Münsterland“ took place in Münster. Following a short weclome from Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. Jörg Becker, of the Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Dr. Fritz Rettberg TU Dortmund delivered a presentation on the topic of energy and electric mobility. Then the topic of electric mobility in Münster and was discussed in a panel discussion.

In particular there were a number of questions from the audience which highlighted the many problems associated with electric mobility, and made it clear that electric mobility will not replace the internal combustion engines one to one. Here, rather, mobility should be considered as a whole. 

You can find more information at the Crowdstrom project website

Podium discussion on the theme „Development of electric mobility in Münsterland“. Photo: Florian Plenter