29.10.2014, Dortmund

KIE-Lab contributes to an innovative „second look“.

On 19th September 2014, EnergieAgentur.NRW and the control center energy transition Dortmund (LED) invited experts from academia, business and public institutions to the city of Dortmund. This included Wenche Black from our KIE-Lab team. The aim was to have a combined "second look" on sustainable mobility. The focus of this second innovation workshop was on the female view of (electrical) mobility. A perspective that offers many starting points in terms of future funding programs and policies in this field, as the participants were able to learn. In keeping with the theme, there was a fascinating presentation by Prof. Dr. Doris Kortus-Schultes, director of the Competence Center Woman and Car (http://www.frau-und-auto.hs-niederrhein.de), which already resulted in several new findings led and inspired discussions. This was followed by the interactive discussion and the exchange between the participants, which culminated in the development of exciting ideas and starting points for research and business models related to women and electromobility, some of which are being pursued. KIE-Lab was at the event to make new contacts and through the constructive exchange of information gain a lot of information with on previously less well known research target groups for electric mobility. It showed once again how important the topic of customer integration into innovation processes, with which KIE-Lab are dealing. The KIE-Lab attendance in Dortmund, was included in the news portal.

KIE-Lab contributes to the "second look". However, the first view is of the winged rhino. The Dortmund-mascot welcomes visitors to the forum of the townhouse.