
Working togerther in professional training

Project ChinaCare in the ZWH Broschure about German-

Chinese working partnership

In 2010 the ZWH published an brochure celebrating 30 years of German-Chinese working partnerships in the field of vocational educational training, through bilateral projects and collaborations.

The practice of German-Chinese cooperation in vocational education continues unabated to this day, not least through an increase in the level of support from the Federal Ministry for Education and Research to the programme, “Education export by German provider (BEX)”. As part of the project for the introduction of QM systems in Chinese vocational training schools, and in order to promote the BEX program of the BMBF, ZWH has published a second volume focused on German-Chinese cooperation.

In the course of this paper, a four-page article on the collaborative project China Care has now been published, you can visit the following link:  

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