25.-28.08.2014, Frankfurt am Main

Frankfurt am Main

International Exhibition Occupational Safety News

From 25. -28.08.2014 the Congress and the Trade Fair "Occupational Safety News - The Prevention Forum” took place in Frankfurt am Main. As a special feature the "XX World Congress on Safety and Health at Work: Prevention Global Forum" was held, in connection with the fair OSH.  This combination represented a unique industry event because the connection from international World Congress, nationally oriented congress Occupational Safety News and the concurrent exhibition is unique in 2014.

The joint project DEBBI and the focus group "Careers as drivers of innovation and demographic change" presented key findings from the research projects at the booth of the BMBF funding priority "innovation ability and Demographic Change".

From left to right: Rüdiger Klatt (FIAP), Silke Steinberg (FIAP), Claudia Jooß (RWTH Aachen, IMA/ZLW/IFU), Kurt-Georg Ciesinger (gaus/Zeitschrift præview)

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