
Funding priority meeting – “Opportunities through demographics – concepts for solutions and change“

On 8th and 9th May 2014 the funding priorty for “Innovative ability of demographic change“, held a meeting titled – “Opportunities through demographics – concepts for solutions and change”, in the technology centre in Aachen. The combined project DEBBI was represented by a stand in the event centre.


Silke Steinberg (FIAP Gelsenkirchen), RD Rudolf Leisen (BMBF) und Ilona Kopp (DLR, Projektträger Arbeitsgestaltung und Dienstleistung) am Stand des Verbundprojektes DEBBI

The first 2 days of the event focused on internal networking of the funding priority members. To support a productive exchange, and the development of context-based connections between collaborative focus groups, various collaborative projects presented themselves at exhibitions stands. The first drafts of theses were presented by a group composed of spokes people from various focus groups. The theses were discussed at the meeting and will be incorporated into a memorandum. Rüdiger Klatt (FIAP Gelsenkirchen), represented the focus group, “Careers as drivers of innovation and demographic change“ and chaired a session at the conference: “New forms of work and new careers.”

Helga Dill (IPP München), Silke Steinberg (FIAP Gelsenkirchen), Gabriele Kossack (Projektträger Arbeitsgestaltung und Dienstleistungen, Bonn) und Ingo Leisten (Universitätsklinik Aachen) am DEBBI-Stand

Intergroup networking was continued on the second day. Associates of the associations and focus groups, (eg value partners, representatives of interest groups, allied companies and consultants etc) were given the opportunity to view the results from the total funding priority.

For further information about the conference, and documentation of the results, follow the link:
