Networks and Memberships of FIAP

Das Demographie Netzwerk e.V. (ddn)

DDN brings together around 400 companies and institutions to work together to find ways to make the demographic change. In 12 work and themed groups they are dedicated to aspects such as health, work organization, qualification and training, and management and corporate culture. 


IntUV - Internationaler Unternehmerverband RuhrStadt e. V.

IntUV is a bipartisan association of self-employed workers and entrepreneurs from cities in the Ruhr area. It promotes civic, social and entrepreneurial commitment, combining the objectives integration, business success with social responsibility. 


Deutsch-Chinesische Gesellschaft für Pflege e.V. (DCGP)

The DCGP is a German-Chinese partnership, which has been dedicated to the knowledge and experience in the areas of nursing practice, nursing management, nursing science and research since 2013. The focus of the work is the challenge of increasing numbers of people requiring care and the shortage of skilled workers in China and Germany. 


Aktionsplattform Familie @ Beruf.NRW

The platform founded in 2010, provides a framework for activities in the Bundesland of NRW for business associations, employment agencies, trade unions and companies on the subject of work-life balance. Together new ideas are developed, experiences and knowledge exchanged which helps to bring the subject to more public attention.. 


Initiative »Social Science Service Research« (3sR)

The 3SR initiative is a voluntary association of scientists in the field of social sciences oriented service research. The initiative sees itself as a "mouthpiece" of the social sciences service research, bringing together research expertise and focusing the international network of research service, thus contributing to the further development of an interdisciplinary service research in the sense of "Service Science".  
